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The PV Team

We keep water flowing in rural Ottawa with a team of licensed well technicians, water treatment specialists and plumbers.

Richmond Well Water: Everything You Need to Know

Our guide to Richmond well water covers everything you need to know about well construction, water quality, water treatment, pumps and pressure systems. Want to know more about your specific well water system? Contact us for a free consultation!

Water Quality

Ground water across the Village of Richmond is fairly consistent in aesthetic quality parameters. The average private well in Richmond has hard water and contains some iron as well.

If your water is supplied from a municipal well in Richmond you can expect similar levels of hardness and iron with one catch. The City of Ottawa does add chlorine to the water before distributing it.

Bacteria in well water is potentially a concern. The City of Ottawa’s Public Health Unit does offer free well water tests for E.coli and coliform. Sample bottles can be picked up at 5911 Perth Street in the Independent Grocery Store. Water samples can be dropped off on Tuesdays between 8am and 9pm.

We offer free in-home water testing, contact us to schedule a consultation!

Water Treatment

Commercial well water softener installation in Ottawa.

What water treatment equipment do we recommend for Richmond?

The best place to start is a water softener. This will remove hardness and iron from the water. Excessive hardness leads to water spotting on glass, crusty white build up on faucets and less lather from soap. Iron will lead to browny-orange stains on plumbing fixtures. Sometimes iron will also give your water an unpleasant smell or taste. In some cases a standalone iron treatment unit may be required.

Worried about bacteria? If you’re on a private well we recommend installing a UV disinfection system. Ground water can become contaminated by factors beyond your control without any notice. UV light inactivates bacteria and pathogens and renders the water completely safe and potable.

If you’re on a municipal well that is chlorinated we’d suggest installing a carbon filter to reduce the unpleasant taste and odour from the chlorine in additon to a water softener.

Request a quote on a water treatment system.

Well Construction

Most private and municipal wells in Richmond are drilled. The water table in relatively shallow and plentiful. You can expect a very reasonable yield for most domestic purposes in the average Richmond water well. Most of the newer wells are 6″ in diameter and to a depth of between 50-150ft.

Many of the older homes in Richmond will have a well head that is buried below ground. This is no longer allowed under Ontario Regulation 903. The well head should be extended to a minimum of 40cm above grade. Many of the older wells also reduce to a 4″ diameter hole.

Further information on municipal wells in Richmond can be found on the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority website.

Is your well head below grade? Contact us for a quote on well extension.

Pumps & Pressure Systems

Submersible well pump during installation.

If you’re on a municipal well system you can skip right over this bit. Your shared pump and pressure system is managed by the city or a accredited private agency or company.

Most new wells use a submersible well pump and use a conventional pressure system which includes a pressure switch and pressure tank. Some large homes may use a constant pressure system to achieve a fixed water pressure.

Older homes in Richmond may still be on a deep well jet pump. This type of pump has two lines going out to the well head. Typically you see them installed on wells that are still buried. They are antiquated by today’s standards. We recommend converting the system to a submersible pump.

If you do have an older well that reduces to a 4″ hole, a special small diameter submersible pump may be required as standard submersible pumps can be too large to fit.

Having issues with your well pump in Richmond? We’ve got pump and pressure solutions!

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